Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany Year C

The Very Rev. Melanie Dickson Lemburg The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany-Year C February 9, 2025 It is pretty uncommon for Episcopal preachers to give our sermons titles. (It can be common in other denominations.) But this week, I couldn’t help thinking that if this sermon had a title, it would be “Sin and Awe.” Sin and awe are two states of being that I would not normally associate with each other, but they are two ribbons woven through almost all of our readings for this Sunday. So, what’s up with that? First, I think we need to start with some definitions. When I asked our Wednesday healing service crowd to define sin, we had even more definitions than we had people in the room. Sin is “separation from God; moving away from God instead of moving toward God; unrighteous behavior; disobeying the commandments; defiance; missing the mark…” The list was much, much longer. Our Book of Common Prayer actually has a really helpful section that gives us some definition around common phrases and words that helps bind us together, like the Prayer Book helps bind us together in our common prayer. If you look on page 848 in the BCP in the Catechism section, you’ll see lots of writing about sin, including this definition: “Sin is the seeking of our own will instead of the will of God, thus distorting our relationship with God, with other people, and with all creation.” Seems straightforward enough. But what about awe? Our group described awe as standing at Pike’s Peak and looking out and down and being overwhelmed by majesty. I think we find awe in the brushing up against something so much larger than ourselves. Unfortunately, our BCP doesn’t have a handy definition of awe for us, but in her book Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience, sociologist Brene Brown defines awe for us. She writes about how we often use awe and wonder interchangeably, but there is an important difference. “ ‘Wonder inspires the wish to understand; awe inspires the wish to let it shine, to acknowledge and unite.’ When feeling awe, we tend to simply stand back and observe, ‘to provide a stage for the phenomenon to shine…Researches have found that awe ‘leads people to cooperate, share resources, and sacrifice for others’ and causes them to ‘fully appreciate the value of others and see themselves more accurately, evoking humility.’ Some researchers even believe that ‘awe-inducing events may be one of the fastest and most powerful methods of personal change and growth.’” i Interesting. So, in one way they are complete opposites. Sin divides and separates. Awe connects and humbles. Our readings for today give us two solid examples of this juxtaposition (and the Corinthians reading actually hints at it pretty strongly as Paul points back to his own story and conversion experience on the road to Damascus). We see in both Isaiah’s call story and the call story for Jesus’s disciples in Luke this encounter with the divine which provokes awe for both Isaiah and the newly-minted disciples juxtaposed with an acute awareness of their sinfulness. And I can’t help but wonder if this overwhelming sense of connectedness to the infinite doesn’t highlight for them all the ways that they are separated or divided from God and from others? The passage from Isaiah is interesting, too, because it isn’t just an indictment of individual sin. The call from God through Isaiah in the first third of that book is all about the ways that God’s people Israel are failing as a people. Isaiah isn’t calling for just a repentance from individual sin; he is holding up a mirror to an entire society and pointing out the ways that they are not living up God’s expectations of how God’s people should treat each other and especially the most vulnerable among them. Back before Christmas, I saved a meme that I found floating around social media that I’ve been contemplating since then. It’s a quote from someone named Mark Charles (who I know absolutely nothing about), and it is this: “Western Christianity preaches a hyper individualistic salvation so it doesn’t have to repent from its systemic sin.” (Ouch!) But this systemic sin is, in fact, what Isaiah is calling the people to repent from, even when he acknowledges that there seems to be a certain inevitability to their destruction because they have allowed themselves as a society to become too separated, too divided from how God encourages and calls them to live as God’s people. Last week, in one of the daily meditations from the Center for Action and Contemplation, they shared excerpts from Franciscan priest Richard Rohr’s new book titled The Tears of Things. Rohr reflects that we often think of a prophet as someone who is angry and raving at the people of Israel for their many sins or predicting future doom, but there is often a larger pattern to the prophets (and Isaiah falls into this larger pattern as well). First the prophets “rage against sin as if they were above or better than it-then they move into solidarity with it.” Rohr continues, “Please understand that sin is not as much malice as woundedness. Sin is suffering. Sin is sadness. Many of us have learned this truth from studying addictions, where it’s become more clear that sin deserves pity, not judgement.” He concludes, “Sin is also the personal experience of the tragic absurdity of reality. It leads us to compassion. We must have compassion for the self, for how incapable we are of love, of mercy, or forgiveness. Our love is not infinite like God’s love. It’s measured-and usually measured out according to deservedness. But that’s not how YHWH treats ancient Israel, which was always unfaithful to the covenant. God is forever faithful.” The meditation ends by showing how the prophets move from standing above sin to being in solidarity with human suffering, and we, too, can be transformed by that evolution, just like the prophets. ii And awe is one of the tools that God uses to transform us. Awe is God’s unexpected gift for us. It’s not something that we can generate, but it is something we can look out for, and when we encounter it, we can lean into it allowing it to transform us through humility and re-connection. Your invitation this week is to try to think about sin differently, to see it as something to be pitied, in yourself and others, as opposed to something to be judged; to look for the ways that our systemic sin harms the most vulnerable among us. And you are also invited to try to create space for awe in your days and in your interactions, and in those moments in your life when God’s glory is revealed, to pay attention. i. Brown, Brene. Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience. Random House, 2021, pp58-59 ii.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Third Sunday after the Epiphany-Year C

The Very Rev Melanie Dickson Lemburg The Third Sunday after the Epiphany-Year C January 26, 2025 You might have noticed that I’ve done something a little different with our readings today. Our gospel passage assigned for today was actually the first half of the reading—Jesus’s first sermon back in his hometown of Nazareth at the beginning of his earthly ministry just after his baptism. Normally, next Sunday, we’d have the second part of the reading which we heard today, which is Jesus’s extrapolation of his sermon and how his hometown friends and family received it. But instead, next Sunday, we will have the Feast of the Presentation—when Jesus as a baby is presented in the temple, which is a major feast of the church that when it falls on a Sunday, we commemorate it. So we weren’t going to get to hear about the fall-out from Jesus’s sermon at all this year. So, we have a double gospel reading today, and I just went ahead a cut the other readings to accommodate that change. This past week, I got to hear the Rev Dr. Bertice Berry, who is a deacon serving at Christ Church, preach at the MLK eucharist at St. Matthew’s. Bertice preached about Jesus’s sermon on the plain and how it was a “leveling” which included the golden rule. She spoke eloquently about all the ways that we “other” each other, drawing lines between we who are in and those who are out, and how those lines can constantly shift. I’ve been thinking about this concept of “othering” this week as I’ve watched the news swirling around the Rt Rev Marianne Budde, the bishop of the diocese of Washington DC and her sermon at her cathedral earlier this week. I’ve watched as she has been heralded as a champion by many and also demonized by many who question both the validity of her ordination as a woman bishop and even her right to American citizenship. And I have become so very curious as to how a sermon about unity has become so deeply divisive. i. It’s an interesting juxtaposition that our gospel readings for today give us a glimpse into Jesus’ first sermon back in his hometown of Nazareth. It’s unclear if Jesus himself picks the scripture or if, like us, he preaches on what is assigned for that day’s reading. (Scholars suggest it could be either option.) Jesus’s reading threads together several different passages from the book of the prophet Isaiah saying, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." Then he sits down and says, (in what may be enviably the shortest sermon ever) "Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing." Jesus is proclaiming how his work flows out of his baptismal anointing as God’s beloved, and he shows through the words of the scriptures how his ministry will be one of restoration and reconciliation for the lost and the least. And his hometown folks are understandably proud. But Jesus doesn’t leave it at that. In the second part of the gospel, we see him give his hometown folks, who are feeling quite proud of their hometown hero, a bit of a jab which almost gets him thrown off the cliff. He reminds them that in the past, the prophets of God have shown up most frequently for those who are considered other—not the hometown folks but the foreigners and the enemies of Israel. When his hometown crowd is feeling proud because of their connection with him, Jesus immediately sides with the “other.” And they become angry and unsettled by what appears to be a shift in his allegiance. But here’s the thing. Jesus is reminding the crowd and us that in the Kingdom of God, there is no “other.” All are God’s children, and as God’s people, we are called to recognize our kinship with everyone. There is no “other” in the Kingdom of God, no matter how much we might want there to be. Think for a moment about who you might consider to be an “other” in this moment. And hear Jesus proclaiming that even that person is a beloved child of God, a part of Jesus’s mission of healing, reconciliation, and restoration for all. Noone is outside of that mission. Today, Jesus is reminding us of the inclusive embrace of God, and he is showing us how the Holy Spirit is so often willing to use “others” or “outsiders” to unfold new narratives for God’s people and all of creation. I wonder how God is inviting us here at St. Thomas to live more fully into this reality? I wonder how God will continue to be revealed here in our midst through people and places we might not expect? i. Here is the full text of Bishop Budde's sermon:

Sunday, January 12, 2025

The First Sunday after the Epiphany-Year C

The Very Rev. Melanie D. Lemburg The First Sunday after the Epiphany-Year C January 12, 2025 I’m not someone who regularly watches the news. I get most of my updates from daily emails from NPR with the headlines, and that’s almost more than I can stand. But this week, I’ve been paying more attention than usual because of the wildfires in California. It started early in the week when a seminary classmate of mine who is now the bishop of Arizona and is from California shared the news about how the Diocese of Los Angeles had lost St. Mark's, Altadena, the rectories of St. Matthew's, Pacific Palisades, and many homes of church members to the fires. And I’ve watched the stories about how so many people are evacuating and still some choose to stay, wetting down their rooves to try to prevent losing their homes. It makes me wonder what people are thinking who choose to stay and face down a wildfire. It reminded me of the stories I heard along the MS Gulf Coast after I served there after Hurricane Katrina—about parishioners who live a block back from the water who would always stay and ride out the storms. They’d never had any problems before. But Katrina was different, pushing a wall of water so many miles inland. As the waters rose throughout the day, my parishioners moved from the ground floor to the second floor, and then finally from the second floor into their attic. As they watched the waters continue to rise from the tiny attic window, the wife called her best friend and told her, “The water’s still rising, and I don’t think we’re going to make it. Whatever you do, don’t let them play Amazing Grace at my funeral.” i Two of our readings for today give glimpses of God’s providence over the elements. Psalm 29 is a reminder of God’s creative power, how God speaks creation into being and how the Holy Spirit moves over the water at creation. It is a song of reassurance and thanksgiving from the voice of an individual that when they go through the fires and floods of life, God’s providence has been faithful and that God continues to give to God’s people strength and the blessing of peace. In the reading from Isaiah, we see the voice of God speaking to God’s people through the writer of Isaiah as the people have been taken into captivity in Babylon. Removed from their homes, their temple destroyed (and probably many of their homes, too), the people are captives in enemy territory for anywhere from 50 to 70 years. In this passage from Isaiah, God reassures God’s people that in the midst of this crisis, God has not abandoned them. God continues to be with them as they walk through fire, as they face floods and rivers. God promises that they will not be overwhelmed and that God finds them precious in God’s sight. In both of these passages, we see glimpses of chaos that God’s people are swept up in, and we receive assurance that God controls the uncontrollable. God promises that we, too, shall not be overwhelmed, and that God is enthroned over the metaphoric floods of our lives. It is a part of the human condition that we all will, at some point or another, face fires and floods in our lives. They may not be literal, but all of us face things that are beyond our control. Can you think back over your life and identify past floods that you have encountered, and how God showed up in those? What does the flood feel like in your life today? How might you envision God enthroned over that flood? How can God help you from feeling overwhelmed?ii It’s really easy to judge the people who are wetting their rooves to try to save their homes from the wildfires or the people who stayed during Katrina and ended up stranded in their attics facing possible drowning there. But when we think back about our own floods and fires in our lives, we can see how certain decisions we made put us in a similar place. No one willingly chooses to be stuck in their attic facing drowning in the midst of a flood. But so often, that’s exactly where our decisions and our choices put us. Perhaps it is because so often in the face of our floods and fires, we try to be like God; we try to exert our control over forces that are just too big for us, and this is part of how we get overwhelmed. So, maybe you’re thinking, “well, that’s just great, Melanie. But what’s the alternative? Are we just supposed to lie down and die in the face of the diagnosis or the family member who is trapped and looking to us for help? The job loss, the broken relationship, or the death of those close to us? What, then, should we do? We know we are supposed to trust God, but what does that actually look like?” And to that I say, I hear you! Every day, my faith journey is an exercise in questioning what areas are mine to influence and control and what is best left to God. I promise you, I haven’t figured it out yet. But here’s something that has helped me this week. Retired Bishop Stephen Charleston posts daily on social media, and here’s what he posted this past Wednesday that spoke to me: “We live in a time of extremes. Extreme weather, extreme events, extreme anxiety. These are forces that we cannot control. Therefore, control is not what we seek. We concentrate instead on keeping our balance. We adapt. We adjust. We remain flexible, riding over the impact as best we can, staying close to one another, being alert for chances to help. When reality turns hard, we become like water.”iii What does that mean—in the face of floods and fires and forces we cannot control--to become like water? Water is fluid; it can be both gentle and powerful. It can cool and refresh, and it can also reorder and reshape. What does it mean to become like water in the face of whatever flood or fire you may find yourself in? My parishioners who were trapped in their attic during Katrina made it out. They faced the complete destruction of their home and the world around them, but they survived. And they rebuilt their home. Three years after their brush with death, we blessed their newly rebuilt home, during Epiphany-tide, the season of light. “We live in a time of extremes. Extreme weather, extreme events, extreme anxiety. These are forces that we cannot control. Therefore, control is not what we seek. We concentrate instead on keeping our balance. We adapt. We adjust. We remain flexible, riding over the impact as best we can, staying close to one another, being alert for chances to help. When reality turns hard, we become like water.”
i. This is the story of Maria Watson and Julius Ward who were parishioners of mine at St. Peter’s by-the-Sea in Gulfport, MS. Maria called her friend, Joy Jennings, who was also a parishioner. ii. This idea is from Khalia J. Williams as share din Everyday Connections… iii. January 9, 2025

Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Third Sunday of Advent-Year C

The Very Rev. Melanie Dickson Lemburg The Third Sunday of Advent Year C December 15, 2024 A letter to James Francis McLaurin upon the occasion of his baptism. Dear James, Today is your baptism day. It is the official beginning of your life in the faith, the day when your parents and godparents and all of us are recognizing that God has, even before your birth, claimed you as God’s beloved, and we are all saying “yes” on your behalf. We are all promising that we will help raise you to live your life as God’s beloved, even as we try to live our lives as God’s beloved alongside you. And our baptismal covenant gives us the framework of how to do that. (It’s why we renew it, periodically, throughout the year, when others are baptized and on special Sundays.) On this third Sunday of Advent, our gospel reading gives us a baptism sermon from Jesus’s cousin, John the Baptist. John is out in the wilderness and the people are flocking to him to be baptized. John tells them that in baptism and beyond, they will find themselves converted to living life differently. They should no longer hold fast to the priorities of the world but rather they should seek to live out God’s priorities which are justice, mercy, compassion, and equity for all God’s people, and that when they live out these priorities, they will be revealed in the fruit of their actions. John tells his listeners to repent, and even though it’s strange to think about as we baptize you today, sweet baby James, baptism is a call to both conversion and to repentance. Conversion is setting our feet on the path that Christ has trod before us: a path of humility, a path of compassion and mercy, of healing and reconciliation. Conversion is setting our feet on the path of love and following it through hills and valleys, over mountains and through deserts. It means committing to living and walking the way of Christ in times of hardship and in times of plenty. In your baptism, James, we acknowledge that this path is not always easy. We need each other as fellow travelers on the way to give encouragement, support, and even correction. Because we also acknowledge that each of us will stray from this path, over and over again, throughout our lives. And it’s not just about how we stray individually, either. At times, we will all stray together, as a whole people, and we will step or fall off the path of justice and mercy, equity and compassion. And so, we have the call to repentance, that whenever we “fall into sin” or step off the right path, we will turn away from following our own selfish desires or the demands that the world whispers or shouts in our ears that we should seek, and that we will turn back toward God. Repentance means turning away from all that divides us from each other and from God and turning back again to loving God with our whole heart and mind and strength and loving our neighbors as ourselves as we try to live the way that Christ has showed us. Advent is a time when we recognize the many ways we both inadvertently and purposefully fall into sin, and we heed this call to turn back toward God, to make our hearts ready for God’s return in Jesus. Our whole lives are made up of this dance of falling away from God because we have sought the own devices and desires of our own hearts and repenting and returning to God. And the good news is that no matter how many times and in whatever fashion we fall away, nothing can keep us from being God’s beloved. As we say in your baptism today, we are “marked as Christ’s own forever.” No matter what. And that truth inspires us to live our lives as God’s beloved, to bear fruits worthy of repentance, to show people know that we are God’s beloved by the way that we love. Because that is what it means to live life as God’s beloved. Today, sweet James, is the third Sunday of Advent which is also Gaudete Sunday, and Gaudete means rejoicing! We light the pink candle, which is the church’s color for rejoicing; we hear readings about rejoicing, even as we are called to repentance. It may seem strange, but they are two sides of the same coin, repentance and rejoicing. So today, I will close with a blessing that was written by the writer Kate Bowler and shared in her Advent Devotion titled A Weary World Rejoices. It is both prayer to God and blessing that is especially appropriate for you and us on your this Gaudete Sunday which is also your baptism day. It’s titled A Blessing for Our Part in the Bigger Story. Blessed are we, gathered already into the plot, part of the epic story you, [God,] have been writing from long before we were ever born. Thank you that we are not separated into lives of loneliness but joined together as those who were loved into being. We are made for meaning and a purpose that only our days can breathe into action. Pull us closer to the bigger story that reminds us that our ordinary lives are the stuff of eternity. You fitted each of our days for small efforts and endless attempts to pick ourselves up again. In our triumphs and embarrassments, we need to be told again (sigh) that we are not just everyday problems. We are a story of extraordinary love.” i May you always remember, sweet James, that you are a part of God’s story of extraordinary love. Your sister in Christ, Melanie+ i.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

The Second Sunday of Advent Year C

The Very Rev Melanie Dickson Lemburg The Second Sunday of Advent-Year C December 8, 2024 We don’t really get to see Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, in today’s readings. But we do get to hear from him; and that’s pretty extraordinary given his story. Zechariah is a small-town priest. He’s at work, in the holy of holies, offering prayers and incense on behalf of the gathered people. Maybe he’s praying for himself, for his wife Elizabeth, for God’s people Israel? Or maybe he’s preoccupied—wondering what Elizabeth is making him for dinner that night? Suddenly, unexpectedly, an angel appears and tells Zechariah not to be afraid. The angel assures Zechariah that God is going to give Zechariah and Elizabeth a son who God will raise up to be a prophet like Elijah, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit. And his job will be to “make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” But Zechariah scoffs and questions Gabriel saying, “‘How will I know that this is so? For I am an old man, and my wife is getting on in years.’ (Don’t you appreciate how he shows a little diplomacy for his wife’s age? You can tell he’s been married a while.) And the angel, who seems to get his feathers ruffled a bit with Zechariah’s scoffing replies, um, excuse me! “‘I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news. But now, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their time, you will become mute, unable to speak, until the day these things occur.’” So Zechariah is silenced for at least nine months, and in that silence and space, something changes in Zechariah. Because when John is born nine months later, Zechariah is suddenly able to speak again, and the first thing he does is to sing a song that is overflowing with joy. Just as John grows inside Elizabeth, being nurtured by her while waiting to be born, joy grows in Zechariah in his season of enforced silence. And he gives birth to joy in his song that we all read together this morning. This past week, I read a meditation on Advent 1 by the biblical scholar Diana Butler Bass. She was writing about how Advent is a season that focuses on both justice and joy, and here’s what she writes about joy: “Joy is not happiness, even though the two are related. Joy is delight, gladness, and pleasure — a deep inner wellspring of contentment and comfort. It is a disposition, an outlook, and maybe even a purposeful practice. Happiness is what we feel in relation to external conditions; joy is experienced regardless of circumstances. A wise maxim says, ‘We pursue happiness, we choose joy.’” She continues, “Neither justice nor joy are easy. Indeed, they can be elusive. We need new eyes to see them, renewed hearts to experience them, and willing hands to act on them in the world.” i. Perhaps the silence gives Zechariah the space to see, experience, and act on joy in new and different ways, giving him the opportunity to see where he can choose joy in his own life and recognize the presence of God’s joy in God’s people Israel. Because Zechariah’s song isn’t just about the wonderful gift that has been given to him and Elizabeth; it also is recognizing how God’s work, God’s dream is being brought to fulfillment in a way that will benefit all people. There’s simultaneously an individual and a cosmic scope to Zechariah’s song and to his joy. In our epistle reading for today, the apostle Paul also knows something about choosing joy, and he does this in less than ideal circumstances. When Paul is writing his letter to the Philippians which is overflowing with joy, he is actually imprisoned, which shows us that we don’t have to be happy or even comfortable to choose joy. In fact, Paul’s joy seems to find its roots in gratitude, in remembrance, and in reflecting on his intimate relationship with the people in the church of Philippi along with a commitment to his work in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ while he tries to give them the tools they will need once he is gone. So, how do we choose joy this Advent? First, we have to be able to recognize joy in our lives, to name it when it shows up, and to embrace it. For each of us, joy will look and feel and taste differently. But ultimately, joy is “an intense feeling of deep spiritual connection, pleasure, and appreciation.” ii Joy is often something unexpected, often a surprise. Joy is a sense of well-being, and sense that things are as they should be. In his poem “Joy is the Justice We Give Ourselves,” poet J. Drew Lanham writes, …Joy is being loved up close for who we are. …Joy is the day off, just because. Joy is the kiss of that one, or the just verdict delivered by twelve. Joy is the everything, the nothing. The simple, the complex. Joy is the silly, the serious, the trivial. The whale enormous, the shrew’s small. Joy is the murmuration, then the stillness. Joy is the inexplicable coincidence. Joy is what was meant to be. The mystery of impossibility happening. The assurance of uncertainty. Joy is my seeking. Your being. It is mine for the taking. Ours to share. More than enough to go around, when it seems nowhere to be found. iii As one of our Wednesday healing service community shared, joy is the current that runs underneath and through our lives, like Nat King Cole’s Joy to the World playing in the background while she was doing her dishes. One of the spiritual practices proposed by Kate Bowler in her Advent Devotion A Weary World Rejoices this week is that when we discover joy in our lives, then to give ourselves permission to hum Joy to the World in acknowledgement.iv Once we start to see and acknowledge joy in our lives and the world around us, then, we are called to seek, to choose joy. We do this through nurturing connections with others; through time in silence and with God; through spending time in nature which can nurture and feed our joy; through expressing gratitude, even in the midst of hardship; through God’s reorienting of us after things don’t go as we had planned. Joy is a sense of connection with a story that is so much bigger than our small selves. Joy is the current that runs throughout our lives. This week, may you have new eyes to see it, renewed hearts to experience it, and willing hands to act on it in the world. i.From Diana Butler Bass’s Substack page, The Cottage: Sunday Musings: Advent 1 - by Diana Butler Bass ii.Brown, Brene. Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and The Language of Human Experience. Random House: New York, 2021, p 205. iii.Joy Is the Justice We Give Ourselves – J. Drew Lanham iv.The Weary World Rejoices Individual Download - Kate Bowler p 23

Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost-Proper 28B

The Very Rev Melanie Dickson Lemburg 26th Sunday after Pentecost-Proper 28B November 17, 2024 Years ago, before I went to seminary, I created and organized enrichment programming for senior citizens and adults with mental disabilities at the Stewpot soup kitchen in inner city Jackson, MS. Many of these folks lived in the personal care homes in the area, on small, fixed incomes, and they would get turned out onto the streets during the day with not much to occupy their time. Stewpot gave these folks a place to go, and it was my job to give them something to do. One of these participants was a woman named Cheryl. Cheryl was crazy as a betsy bug. Her favorite thing to do art therapy, and I’d often sit beside her and listen to her talk about all the famous people she knew and how they’d interacted with her life recently (often in really unhealthy ways). One day, Cheryl showed up with a beautiful, gold butterfly necklace. She was clearly proud of her necklace, and I complemented her on it, telling her how pretty it was and how I also liked butterflies. She cocked her head at me for a moment, and then she surprised me by pulling the necklace over her head and wordlessly offering it to me. Well, I was mortified. Here she is with this cherished piece of beauty in an otherwise drab and impoverished life. I was there to help her, and she was trying to give me her necklace. I told her I couldn’t possibly take it, and she became more and more insistent, and in that moment, I realized that she needed to be able to give the necklace to me, and that I needed to be able to accept it. So, I did. Even after all these years, that story reminds me that there’s a strange dance between hope and gratitude, in giving and receiving. We see it in our Old Testament reading for today. Hannah has longed for a child for many, many years. She goes to the temple to pray, and she asks God to grant her a child. But then, get this! In that same prayer, she promises that if God grants her a child, she’s going to turn around and give that child right back to God, raising him as a Nazirite, someone who was dedicated to the service of God, giving him away just as soon as he is weaned. In the midst of her hope, Hannah offers a promise of gratitude in this pledging of her long-awaited child to the service of God. And I can’t help wonder which came first for Hannah, gratitude or hope, giving or receiving? For they are so closely intertwined in her story. For Hannah, the incarnation of her hope becomes her child Samuel, and she willingly and gratefully turns him back over to God. It’s a huge gift that no one even asked of her. When we hope, we acknowledge that we are, in fact, powerless. And at the same time, when we hope, we become active agents in the world. We often think of hope as an emotion, but it’s not; not really. Hope is a cognitive-behavioral process; hope is an action. And it is when we connect with our gratitude, that our hope is further fueled, more deeply inspired. Today, our annual giving campaign is drawing to a close. The theme for this year has been “Rooted in Hope” and the passage we chose to support this is from Jeremiah17:7-8: Blessed are those who trust in the Lord… They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. At the beginning of the campaign, we asked you to consider: What are the ways that the roots of your faith are nourished, and what role does the spiritual community of St. Thomas play in that nourishing? I would also encourage you to think today about hope and gratitude. What are the hopes you can name for your life and for this community? What is that gratitude that you can also name? How are those interconnected? My hope for St. Thomas in the coming year is that we will be a place that creates space for belonging for everyone; that we will nourish and encourage each other in the spreading of the good news, that though the presence of the Holy Spirit, each of us will be transformed, more and more, into the image and likeness of Christ. My hope for St. Thomas is that we will take our discipleship of Jesus seriously, committing to it faithfully in new and exciting ways. I am so grateful for all the ways that we are already doing this work together, and I am eager to see what God has in store for us next! I am grateful for our Wednesday healing service conversations, and for the ways we gather in a circle with kind hands outstretched to pray for each other and the needs of the world. I am grateful for all the glorious music we make together—singing and bells, organ and piano, and so many other ways. I am grateful for wise women who laugh and who invite us to see diminishment not with discouragement but with joy; and I am grateful for people with the gifts of making things more hospitable. And I am grateful for you who show up and get things done. I am grateful for all the ways that we share our joys and our sorrows, for the ways that we teach and learn from each other. I am grateful for our children and grandchildren and all the ways that surprise me and give me hope. I am grateful when we step out and try new things, and I am grateful for tried and tested ways of being community. There is so much that I receive from each and every one of you, and I am so grateful for you and for St. Thomas. The butterfly has long been used as a symbol of the resurrection. For me, it’s also always been a symbol of hope. And when I see them, they spark my gratitude. What are you grateful for here at St. Thomas? What are you being called to give and what are you being called to receive in this next season in the life of the church as a part of your gratitude and as a part of your hope?

Sunday, November 10, 2024

The Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost-Proper 27B

The Very Rev Melanie Dickson Lemburg 25th Sunday after Pentecost-Proper 27B November 10, 2024 A letter to Sullins Hughes and Tinsley Watson upon the occasion of their baptisms. Dear Sullins and Tinsley, Happy baptism day, babies! And what a joyful day it is! You are gathered here with your families and your friends, with your church family, and in just a few moments, your parents and godparents will make an important statement on your behalf. As you all stand together before God and this gathered congregation, your parents and godparents will acknowledge that God has created each of you and has claimed you as God’s beloved since even before your births. In your baptism, we are all accepting God’s claim on you as God’s beloved, and we are promising to uphold you in living your life as God’s beloved. We all are promising that just as we try to live into our baptismal covenant, the framework of what living life as God’s beloved looks like, we will teach you to live this way, too: proclaiming the gospel by word and example; seeking and serving Christ in all persons; loving our neighbors as ourselves; striving for justice and peace among all people; respecting the dignity of every human being. It’s not easy living this way, and it’s why we need each other: to offer encouragement, forgiveness, and hope when need it most to continue on this path of faithful living as God’s beloved and disciples of Jesus. Two of our readings offer interesting perspectives on your baptism today, sweet Sullins and sweet Tinsley. In the Old Testament reading of Ruth, Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi leave Ruth’s home of Moab to journey back to be with Naomi’s people the Israelites. Now Moab and Israel were two neighboring nations who shared the same language, and much of the same history—they were essentially cousin-nations. And throughout much of their existence, they were at war; they did not get along. There was a deep enmity between the two peoples. So for Ruth to leave Moab and journey with Naomi back to Israel was a real challenge. There was a risk that she would not have been welcomed there. Naomi has encouraged Ruth to stay with her own people, but she refuses, and so she travels with Naomi to a place where she is a stranger in a strange land, where people will look down on her because of who she is. In today’s reading, we see Naomi working with Ruth to catch Ruth a husband and to secure the future of these two vulnerable women. The story of Ruth and Naomi is a story that emphasizes the loyalty and fidelity that can be found in familial relationships, and you both know something about being firmly ensconced in a loving, extended family. In fact, each of you bears a name that ties you firmly into the line of your family, even as your names are unique enough to give you space to forge your own paths. Interestingly enough in today’s passage, we see how Ruth and Naomi’s family becomes enlarged even beyond Ruth’s marriage to Boaz, as the women of the neighborhood act as surrogate family for Ruth and Naomi, even going so far as to name Ruth’s child. It’s an important reminder for all of us today that when we become a part of God’s family, our family expands to include all of God’s beloved—even those people we wouldn’t normally choose, those who we might consider to be stranger or even enemy. All are included in the family of God; all have been created as God’s beloved. And together we have so much to offer others, even the stranger, (especially the stranger) as God’s extended family. In our gospel reading for today, we see two parts to this reading. In the first part, Jesus in Mark’s gospel is offering a critique of his own religion—specifically calling out the hypocrisy and the ways that the religious elite take advantage of vulnerable people. He lifts up the widow, who is one of the vulnerable, and points out her generosity as a commendation of generous living and a critique of those who harm her because of their own greed and selfishness. We would do well to be mindful that Jesus’s critique is just as pertinent to Christianity today as it was to the Judaism of his day, as we renew our baptismal covenants today and we see clearly all the ways that we fall short of being faithful followers of Jesus. We are mindful of the ways that we choose ourselves over the needs of others. We remember all the ways that we have been hypocritical in saying one thing with our mouths and doing another with our actions. Jesus gives us the widow today as an image of what faithfulness and what generosity can look like, when we are seeking to serve God over ourselves. The widow can inspire us to ask ourselves the question: What does it mean to live a generous life? What might my life look like if I were to try to live it more generously? Maybe it means giving more to those in need? Maybe it means seeing injustice and working to remedy it? Maybe it means giving people the benefit of the doubt instead of making assumptions? What might my life look like if I were to try to live it more generously? It is the call of the family of God, and it is a question that we, God’s beloved, should wrestle with throughout our lives, and we will help you remember it and wrestle with it as well as you grow here in the life of your faith. You will teach us, Sullins and Tinsley, and we will teach you. And together we will fail, and learn, and grow, and try again, offering forgiveness and hope and the promise of the resurrection life as the family of God’s beloved. I’m so grateful you are joining us! Your sister in Christ, Melanie+ The Big Question this Week: Who are the vulnerable people in the family of God who I need to pay attention to, to open my heart to, to give the benefit of the doubt? How am I being called to live a more generous life?